Team Board

Practice/ Reserve Squad
Team Manager- Organize the team from a high-level perspective. Things such as the team's public information, private information, social pages and networking/sponsorship opportunities. Also makes sure the appointed captains and coaches are active and attentive to their lines. This does not mean others will not be involved in said activities, but we need a central point of contact.
Treasurer- Manage the financial aspect of the team; whatever that may include. Financial responsibilities will be voted on by the team on a later date.
Captain- Nominated by the line to manage the players & Staff. Nominated by the line at the beginning of the season. Holds players accountable manages line logistics and practices.
Coach- TBD. Team Role would include managing player improvement through drills. The Coach's role for the line would include creating lines, selecting players to play during tournaments, and reviewing the plays, layouts and prior to events.
Assistant Coach- Replaces the coach and coach duties. Helps manage the coordination of players and lines.
Team/Roster- Players on the team. Set by the team board/coach who are rostered are on the team.
Line- Set by the coach, a line will include the players who will play in an event together. Players may move throughout lines as the coach see's fit (this is why we are to be seen as one team vs not lines).
Staff- The support we secure for events.